Yes, it has been a while since I have updated this blog, so here goes............
This summer, I had several of my corals just up and die. The first to go was the Open Brain. I was very disappointed about this one as it was the first coral I bought for my tank. I think the problem that I had with it was that against my better judgement, I listened to the 'experienced' people and took my brain off of a rock and placed it on the sand. The results were horrid. The brain completely detached from it's skeleton. The other death was the second coral I bought for the tank a hydnophora. I had these corals from the first tank which was a 29 gallon and am so disappointed at their loss:(
Outside of that, the branching hammer is going wild and is now branching into 8 heads. This is also one of my first corals and the original piece had only 2 heads.
The newest member of my crew is a sand sifting goby. I added him 10/24/09 and must say that I am 1. Very impressed with his ability to clean sand and 2. Aggravated that he stirs up the sand so much...lol I really can not complain too much though, because I bought him in the hopes he could help me with a diatom bloom that would not go away. In one weeks time, I have to say, this little fish has done a most excellent job turning my sand back to sugary white!
I still need to catch my old maroon clown as I am really wanting a pair of clowns. Luck would have it there was a shipment of baby ORAs at the LFS, so I picked the largest and the smallest of the group. They have been getting along very well in QT for quite some time now and I look forward to the day that I can catch the current monster.
Here are a few pics to tied you over until the next post.

Two Baby Ora Maroons in QT.

Mushroom Eating a pellet.

Brain(RIP) and Firefish

Branching Hammer.

Zoas and you can see that the Ricordias have regained their color:)~

Long time resident, the Scopas Tang and star polyps

Added in spring of 2009 RBTA.

Cleaner Shrimp and Button Polyps (cinnamon I think?).

Hydnophora RIP I really miss this coral:(
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